The legions of rich taking the breath of the blue collar depths,
Holding their heads high watching the uninsured die,
Lining their pockets with the blood we supply,
Can’t do nothing but count down the time,
It’s gonna come full circle in a Robin Hood crime,
They take this, they take that, they take my last dime,
No more time for the simple protest of blood lettered signs,
The man takes everything we’ve earned,
Burning the gasoline oceans of the oil slick churns,
Cutting off the people with the only human concerns,
On the brink of anarchy to support the cause of lower class laws,
Speculate and raise the prices, to put money in the pockets of the politician freaks that caused this damn crisis,
No one cares about the little guys that support and defend and give their lives,
The end the end bullets and blood flying to open the eyes of the rich crowbars prying,
Wake up the government and overthrow the run of it,
By the people and for the people and that should be the sum of it……..
Greed. Love of money. Selfishness. Where has love your neighbor. Common good and the blessings of liberty gone? What has become of The American dream. The strong middle class. A chance to work hard and do better? To be independent and held accountable. Rewards for those doing good and punishment for those who would rob his neighbor. Big brother was the guy next door who had your back. Now it is a beurocracy we cannot name and isn't someone to look up to. It seems like I am waking up to a different reality. To once again serve a cause worthy of our suffering. To be what the stars and stripes once gave equal opportunity to all. A hope for something better. Robin Hood has gone woke. He no longer shares with the poor but keeps everything to himself. Promises with no action.