Monday, March 24, 2014


Exchange for the strange merely to rearrange the happening of the free roaming stranger,
The days get longer and the lights become neighbors to the night which once held the right,
Exceptional things happening in a brain that is electrified with the though of the is the was and the are nots,
Happening again is the traditional sin of the of the 19th century clown with the distorted grin,
Bumps in the night and things that aren't right and good things that trigger a fight,
Flash mob contained and all is okay for the oohs the ahs and all the hoorays,
Stranger it becomes as the time goes on,
 With the marksmanship strike from the staging death gripe,
Alliance and disorder makes a run for the boarder and some of the weirder things like a fishing boat transporter,
Nearing the was and the is and the and then all the writing ends with the loss of his hand,
The band becomes louder and the night has won again,
The day will now go back into hibernation....

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