Your thoughts,
My thoughts,
His thoughts,
Her thoughts,
Some thoughts,
All thoughts,
No thoughts,
Together thoughts,
Forever thoughts,
And even some never thoughts,
Good thoughts,
Bad thoughts,
Happy thoughts,
Mad thoughts,
The thoughts of the brain can be intense and insane,
Sometimes our thoughts get us pumped for the game,
No thoughts the same,
No thoughts are lame,
A thought is a thought no matter the lane,
You may have thought about that tree over there,
Does the tree think that you think about its powerful stance,
Does the trees thoughts of rain put it into a trance for a while,
Or does the tree think that rain is just cramping its style,
We can think of all thoughts as just thoughts and what nots,
But the true thoughts are still thoughts even if they are just long shots,
Short thoughts and quick thoughts can be as big as not yet thoughts,
As long as that thought is a thought,
that's what is counting and matters,
What are the thoughts of a bug before its life splatters,
Is the thought of the worm on the end of a hook,
Is it the same as the fish from its aromas it took,
They all are amazing,
Even thoughts from a cow when they are out grazing,
I know I will think and have thoughts forever,
Its been fun talking about our true thoughts endeavor,
I know one things for sure,
My thoughts will be clever forever….
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