Saturday, December 17, 2011

Just Because

It's all about the haves and have nots,
the who's who of what's hot,
who cares about reality when deception is a frailty,
fragility and stability are curators of nobility,
exception to the rules changing the direction with your tools,
a snarling dog drools,
can't you see it you crazy ass fools?,
hooking up in the dimension of retention and the military men standing at attention,
breaking the rules again,
breathtaking reception with a snaggle toothed grin,
sit back relax and unwind the rewind of once was and were kind,
talking and stalking the exceptions to your mind,
it gets even better with age is what they say,
but who is they and why do they say?,
stretching beyond the point of returning,
it's churning and re-learning the thoughts in your mind,
that's because my words are one of a kind,
I say what I want and that's what I say,
just wanted to share my thoughts for the day...

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Who really knows?

To the kingdom we go,
no matter the fight or what's left to show,
eventually it comes,
and you stand there and stare,
not wondering why,
but who brought you there,
the light is so bright and at the same time so warm,
you feel safe and happy for nothing you've scorned,
in a blinding light that leads to the divine,
the ending you wanted for all to be fine,
some don't believe,
if they don't are they done,
or will all be forgiven by the all holy one,
will there be questions that have to be answered,
or will all be ok for nothing you've tampered,
it's just a though for someone like me,
always what if or why do they see,
would I be shunned or would they hold out a hand,
to someone that was blind and had their head in the sand,
or what if I'm right and there is no light,
where will we go just off in the night?
there's things I believe and I do not push one,
is it just me or have we all won,
we have our own minds,
and for that we are free,
to believe what we want,
is a wonderful thing,
again I'm not saying that you cannot believe,
I am just saying what if we all leave.....

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Isn't it strange

Isn't it strange how people stare into the nothing,
where the things that crawl are looking for something,
Isn't it strange the way the sky is blue,
when we know that beyond  there is nothing to do,
Isn't it strange how the snowflakes have shapes,
when we finally catch them on our tongue there's no taste,
Isn't it strange how a rainbow has colors,
and they all have the size and the end of no other,
Isn't it strange how fish they can breath,
while under the water with no help from me,
Isn't it strange how people we age,
and to come to the findings that we're all on a stage,
Isn't it strange how the earth has rotation,
with this we can't feel from even our nation,
Isn't it strange how we cry when were happy,
and then people they laugh because we are sappy,
Isn't it strange how we complain about snow,
then when the children they see it it's time for a show,
Isn't it strange how wars are fought,
it never is funny but they're the endless what not,
Isn't it strange how the water it flows,
and then when it storms oh how the wind blows,
Isn't it strange how the weeks are so long,
and we look forward to the two days at the end of the song,
Isn't it strange that this is so strange,
to only just say things,
Isn't it strange...

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


She awoke one morning with a glaze in her eyes,
she was fed up with all the deceit and the lies,
the pushing and shoving and the calling of names,
there is no more time for there hurtful games,
she pains and she suffers and no one can see,
that she is no longer considering this a place she must be,
if people would of just stopped and backed off,
the tension and the tears would be likely to wear off,
she went to her teachers and nothing was done,
all the mean kids at school were still having their fun,
she talked to her mom and still nothing was done,
and that's when she knew that they had all won,
the crying and sobbing and the feelings of dying,
were getting closer and closer for her to start trying,
the pain is within and no one can see,
that the friends that she wanted would just never be,
that night she laid in her bed,
with that glazed look again and that's what was said,
in the morning she awoke from a dreary nights slumber,
and she went off to school with her blank thoughts of wonder,
something was different for some reason she seen,
the kids were not picking and nor were they mean,
and then she looked down and saw herself wandering,
you see that night she laid down,
she swallowed some pills,
and her pain is all gone for now she is still.

This is something that thousands of school kids go through everyday.  We need to help them before this is their fate.  Bullying and picking may seem harmless but it all adds up.  Never ignore a child in need of your help.  Next time you see someone getting picked on or bullied step in and stop it.  This can be the difference between life and death in some cases.

Free To Be

Masterful sensations and trivial temptations,
belonging to the league of a thousand nations,
waking in the morn and hearing the fog horn,
caffeine dream with continuous screams,
reality barks at you and nips like a dog,
when you'd rather roll in the mud and act like a hog,
take a step back and look in the mirror,
the more you look and it will get clearer,
reality is just a thought of me,
not caring about what not to be,
free verse station and the structured renovation,
causing the leaning of the tower of patience,
not knowing why or what the outcome will be,
it's always been best just to live free...

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Haves of What Not

Masterful minds of the undeniable kind,
twisting and turning and feeding the burning,
liking the night of the endless hate flight,
ripping the dreams of a man who is daring,
pass him up once and you are uncaring,
I'm feeling the strain from the financial pocket pain,
blaming only he who inherited the rains,
no side is right nor are they wrong,
just expecting the slam of a gold shimmered gong,
they fight and they swear,
they stab and they stare,
the debate about things which the people show care,
their answers the same and it's never the one that the people are waiting to hear when you've won,
elected officials who are here to help,
just drive the spike deeper this trend we can't help,
they try to tell the poor how to live and what to do,
but they have never been there,
so to them...I say F you!
every four years we get the chance to renew,
and it's never the answer to the end of who's who,
by the people and for the people is just an old saying,
because this message my friends,
the politicians aren't saying,
they will pad their pockets with the money we give,
that is stolen through taxes...yeah all the blood that we give,
in hopes that next time will be the one that will live,
all these words that I say may fall on deaf ears,
but the people are sick of the hard times and years,
lets get it right with the one who can lead,
away from the conflicts and the soldiers that bleed,
one day we will have all that we want,
but as for now...we are the haves of what not...

Friday, December 2, 2011

A Friend

A friend is someone who is there when you need them and that will do what they can to help you get through tough times. A friend is someone who will cancel their plans just to comfort you when you are feeling sad. A friend will NEVER lie to you no matter what! Everyone needs a friend in their life to help them through hard times and to share the good. Sometimes family is just not the answer. It is a true friend that can be the key....