Monday, December 12, 2011

The Haves of What Not

Masterful minds of the undeniable kind,
twisting and turning and feeding the burning,
liking the night of the endless hate flight,
ripping the dreams of a man who is daring,
pass him up once and you are uncaring,
I'm feeling the strain from the financial pocket pain,
blaming only he who inherited the rains,
no side is right nor are they wrong,
just expecting the slam of a gold shimmered gong,
they fight and they swear,
they stab and they stare,
the debate about things which the people show care,
their answers the same and it's never the one that the people are waiting to hear when you've won,
elected officials who are here to help,
just drive the spike deeper this trend we can't help,
they try to tell the poor how to live and what to do,
but they have never been there,
so to them...I say F you!
every four years we get the chance to renew,
and it's never the answer to the end of who's who,
by the people and for the people is just an old saying,
because this message my friends,
the politicians aren't saying,
they will pad their pockets with the money we give,
that is stolen through taxes...yeah all the blood that we give,
in hopes that next time will be the one that will live,
all these words that I say may fall on deaf ears,
but the people are sick of the hard times and years,
lets get it right with the one who can lead,
away from the conflicts and the soldiers that bleed,
one day we will have all that we want,
but as for now...we are the haves of what not...

1 comment:

  1. To dream the impossible dream. But what joy if that dream could become reality.
