Tuesday, December 13, 2011


She awoke one morning with a glaze in her eyes,
she was fed up with all the deceit and the lies,
the pushing and shoving and the calling of names,
there is no more time for there hurtful games,
she pains and she suffers and no one can see,
that she is no longer considering this a place she must be,
if people would of just stopped and backed off,
the tension and the tears would be likely to wear off,
she went to her teachers and nothing was done,
all the mean kids at school were still having their fun,
she talked to her mom and still nothing was done,
and that's when she knew that they had all won,
the crying and sobbing and the feelings of dying,
were getting closer and closer for her to start trying,
the pain is within and no one can see,
that the friends that she wanted would just never be,
that night she laid in her bed,
with that glazed look again and that's what was said,
in the morning she awoke from a dreary nights slumber,
and she went off to school with her blank thoughts of wonder,
something was different for some reason she seen,
the kids were not picking and nor were they mean,
and then she looked down and saw herself wandering,
you see that night she laid down,
she swallowed some pills,
and her pain is all gone for now she is still.

This is something that thousands of school kids go through everyday.  We need to help them before this is their fate.  Bullying and picking may seem harmless but it all adds up.  Never ignore a child in need of your help.  Next time you see someone getting picked on or bullied step in and stop it.  This can be the difference between life and death in some cases.

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