Monday, November 7, 2022

Rejuvenation 48

Positivity is never a given to me,

I try and I try to get the positive vibe,

Sometimes it misses and does not provide,

Seaking the need for the happiness seed we do many things that will likely impede,

Who´ll take the lead, will it be the regular me or the me that´s left speaking for the whole world to see,

Eventually ill find it there is no doubt in that,

But when the positive strays its like mental combat,

Ill be looking for that and most times ill find the reason that I let myself drift,

The searching the needing for the infectious laughs of the looking in class,

You feel like you´re caged in and everyone laughs,

But even behind the glass your mind can relax and bring back the light that was shut out in the confusion of the illusion of the backwards depression session that led you into a personal recession,

You see it again and its coming in like a flight from nowhere and where you never have been,

but its familiar again, the light starts to focus to let your life shine again,

there is no looking back because the fact of the matter is you are past all of that,

You see clearly and feel like you´re new and for all those that know you they see you again,

With big smiles they approach you and ask where have you been,

The darkness my friends, the confusion and overwhelming myself had set in,

Its okay though, I am my own sunrise and to be the real me I don´t need no disguise,

The ones that know me have seen me fall and rise and have been there again with open arms and welcome backs to the now again you can thrive,

The me that was missing is now coming back,

I hope youre still with me it was quite black,

You believed in my energy and all that I could give,

That makes me happy to know we all give,

Its mine and your right to brighten the light of all of the darkness brought on by fright,

Just be there for me and ill be there for you and forever we´ll conquer the whatever together...

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